26th March 2025
Dear Councillor
Council Meeting – Wednesday 2nd April 2025
You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of Hope Community Council immediately followed by the Meetings of the following Committees; Finance. Planning & Highways and Leisure & Environment to be held on Wednesday 2nd April 2025 at 6.30pm.
For those members of the Personnel (Advisory) Committee, this meeting will be held immediately following the above.
The physical venue will be Heulwen Close Community Centre, Hope and should you wish to attend virtually via Zoom, please email or telephone the Clerk to request the meeting ID before 5pm on the day of the meeting (Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021).
In accordance with the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021, the summons to attend a meeting will now be sent to members electronically. If a member wants to receive the summons in writing rather than electronically, you must give notice in writing to myself and specify the postal address to which the summons should be sent.
To ensure that the meeting commences at 6.30pm I would please ask that you join the meeting by 6.15pm.
The agendas and papers for the meeting are enclosed.
Yours faithfully
Mrs S A Hughes - CiLCA
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer.
Full Council Meeting Wednesday 2nd April 2025
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest
3. Chairman’s Announcements
4. Minutes of the Council
To receive and approve the minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Council held on 5th March 2025.
5. Minutes of Committees
To approve, adopt and confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the following standing committees:
i. Finance – 5th March 2025
ii. Planning and Highways – 5th March 2025
iii. Leisure and Environment – 5th March 2025
6. To review any Matters Arising from the minutes.
7. To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence.
i. Email regarding bus timetables.
8. To receive the County Councillor Report from Cllrs David and Gladys Healey
9. Councillor Vacancy
To review and consider the Letters of Expression of Interest for the vacancy to be filled by co-option.
10. Accounts for the Year ended 31st March 2025
To consider the following documents for the financial year 2024/25, copies enclosed.
i. Supporting Statement
ii. Year End Budget Review:
a) To review the year end budget, bank statements and bank reconciliation which is to be verified by a member of Council other than the Chairman.
b) Undertake a routine check of supplier payments.
iii. To report dates of the Internal Audit.
11. Wifi Provision for Council Meetings
To consider costs and options for the provision of suitable wifi for hybrid council meetings.
12. Clerks Report
To provide members with an updated copy of the Issue Log which addresses ongoing matters and to consider whether any items require to be included as a future agenda for further discussion.
13. To note Correspondence Received
14. Future Agenda Items
Finance Committee Meeting
Wednesday 2nd April 2025
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the committee meeting held on 5th March 2025.
4. To review any Matters Arising from the minutes
5. VE Day Grant Applications
To review and consider applications received.
6. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales
To review the IRPW 2025/26 Annual Report decide by formal resolution of the council, which of the Panel’s determinations to adopt for 2025/26
7. North Wales Police – Bobcat Project
To consider the request from NWP, for the council to assist with funding, if required, to assist with costs transporting pupils to North Wales Police, Mold.
8. Payments
To approve accounts for payment up to 2nd April 2025.
Planning & Highways Committee Meeting
Wednesday 2nd April 2025
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the committee meeting held on 5th March 2025.
4. To review any Matters Arising from the minutes.
5. Planning Applications
i. To consider any planning applications received. Also, please note that additional applications that may be received between the issue of agenda and meeting will also be considered.
ii. To report applications which have been determined by Flintshire County Council.
a) FUL/001102/24. Redevelopment of site, retention of 5 containers and detached building with addition of 25 storage containers. Wrexham Signs Ltd, Pughs Yard, Hawarden Road, Caergwrle. Approved
6. Highway Matters
To report as appropriate.
Leisure & Environment Committee Meeting
Wednesday 2nd April 2025
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes
To authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the committee meeting held on 5th March 2025.
4. To review any Matters Arising from the minutes.
5. Play Areas
To report as appropriate.
6. Children’s Play Areas Match Funding Scheme Improvements to 2025/26.
To consider the correspondence received from Gwella/FCC regarding applying for the 2025/26 Match Funding.
7. Village Benches
To consider allowing sponsored motivational and/or informative plaques to be installed on the village benches.
8. Caergwrle Castle
To report as appropriate.
Personnel (Advisory) Committee Meeting
Wednesday 2nd April 2025
1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest
3. Staff Working Hours and Duties
i. Clerk – In preparation for the Annual Appraisal in September/October and review of working hours, to discuss and consider how current working practices could be improved.
ii. Groundsman - In preparation for the Annual Appraisal in September/October and review of working hours, to discuss and consider what work has been completed in 2024-25 and what extra tasks and projects are to be undertaken during 2025-26.
The public and press are cordially invited to be present. Should you wish to view this meeting on Zoom, please email the Clerk to request the meeting ID clerk@hopecommunitycouncil.gov.wales or call 07566 706858 before 5pm on the day of the meeting.