Dog Fouling

It has been reported that there is a substantial increase in dog fouling within our community and as well as being unpleasant, it is potentially harmful. 

During this lockdown exercise is important for physical and mental health, and you can leave home as often as you like to exercise as long as you do so from home.  Given this restriction there is no doubt an increase in the number of residents walking, running etc, with or without dogs, around our villages. 

Whilst the majority of dog owners are responsible and do pick up after their dog there is obviously a small number of people who are choosing to ignore the rules.  Please can we ask ALL dog owners to ensure that your dogs mess is picked up!

This issue has been reported to Flintshire County Council by the Community Council, however, there are also a number of ways in which you can report issues directly to FCC:

Report dog fouling or an overflowing Dog-foul bin online (will open an e-form)


Download the Flintshire App! – report it using your mobile device. Submit anonymously or register. Benefits of registering include receiving updates on the progress of your report, ability to see all your previous reports and give feedback.

Flintshire County Council Streetscene: or helpline on 01352 701234.


Sarah Hughes