Flintshire Active Travel Network Map draft - Statutory Consultation

A message from Flintshire County Council:

As you may be aware we have recently undertaken an interactive consultation on how we can make journeys across Flintshire on foot or by cycle easier and safer for everyone. We have incorporated the information gathered into our updated draft Active Travel Network Map for submission to Welsh Government.

As part of the requirements of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, all local authorities in Wales are required to continuously improve their active travel routes and plan how routes will join up to form networks. Therefore, we now undertaking statutory consultation on our updated draft network map and giving the public the opportunity to check their opinions have been taken on board.

We are undertaking a 12 week statutory consultation period and we have updated the online consultation so people can access the draft map for each of the settlements and leave comments and feedback. The statutory consultation period will run until 1st November 2021 and during this time people can review our draft submission, leave feedback and add comments by visiting https://flintshire2.commonplace.is/

If you prefer, you can send us your comments via an email to active.travel@flintshire.gov.uk. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, you can call us on 01352 701234.

Please can we ask you to share this opportunity with any and all contacts in your local networks and ask organisations in your network to circulate this to their contacts and networks as well.

Sarah Hughes