Keep Wales Tidy - Dog Fouling Campaign

Do the right thing and ‘leave only pawprints’

Calling all dog lovers across Wales!

Keep wales Tidy are waggy tails all-round as they launch their new national campaign to encourage dog owners to do the right thing and ‘leave only pawprints’ when you’re out and about with your four-legged friends.

Although nine out of ten dog owners pick up after their pets, dog poo remains a big issue across the country. Did you know that dog poo does not just harm human health, but also livestock and other beloved pets?

Dog poo that’s left behind can carry harmful bacteria which can remain in soil long after it has decomposed.

To combat dog fouling, bright pink signs, posters, pawprint stencils and bin stickers will soon be jumping up across the country to encourage dog owners to do the right thing.

Sarah Hughes