NHS, Social Care & Frontline Workers Day 5th July 2021

In March 2020 we were suddenly at war with a ruthless, invisible enemy and on the front line were our NHS doctors, nurses and paramedics, plus platoons of critical workers keeping our shops open and stocked, our streets safe and our essential services running.

Now we have the chance to show our gratitude to all NHS and front line staff and volunteers with an annual day of thanks, and remembrance of those who lost their lives because of this dreadful disease. 

The first NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day takes place on Monday, July 5th 2021 with a series of events involving every aspect of society and raising money for two excellent causes – NHS Charities Together, which supports 250 hospitals and their charitable trusts, and the National Care Association, representing 1.6 million workers caring for some of society’s frailest citizens. If every household, business, school and organisation raised just £5 on the day, it would make a massive difference to these amazing causes [maybe add the link to the giving page]. 

We as a Community Council are encouraging residents to decorate outside their homes to show our gratitude in a very visual way from the 3rd to the 6th July 2021. We are also asking residents to use our recognition form (below) to share your stories of local heroes/teams.

Let’s make this a true nationwide celebration and show our appreciation of everything NHS staff and all key workers and volunteers did and do for our community."

Please submit your Recognition Form by Friday 2nd July, any received after this date may not be included on our website.

Sarah Hughes