North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority - Consultation

Public consultation – have your say

You are invited to take part in North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority’s consultation - to have your say on improving the future of emergency cover in North Wales.

Emergency cover is the way we manage resources to keep people safe - no matter where you live or who you are, we aim to continue being there for you when you need us.

This consultation is therefore important to everyone in North Wales and listening to your views is important to us.

The Authority wants to know what YOU think

We are asking for your opinion on what risks concern you most? Which of the options do you think best meets the needs of all our communities? Or you may have another suggestion about other ways of providing emergency cover in North Wales?

These are just some of the key questions contained in the consultation.

Your feedback is really important - we want to know what you think about our options before the Fire and Rescue Authority makes any final decisions about future provision.

So please take the time to complete the consultation questionnaire.

The consultation opens on 21 July 2023 and closes at midnight on 22 September 2023.

To take part, please visit to complete the questionnaire and to access all the information needed in order to respond to the questions.

You can call or text us on 07787 578 386 if you would prefer a paper copy or an easy read format, or email

You can also attend one of the consultation events being held across North Wales.

Sarah Hughes