Public Health Wales: National survey of volunteers

What did you do to help others during COVID-19?

Record numbers of us have helped people in communities across Wales since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public Health Wales and partners would like to hear about your experience of supporting others in your community, during this time. Whatever you have done – whether you have volunteered for a charity, walked your neighbour’s dog or offered a friendly ear to someone shielding – they would like to hear about it.

You can read the attached letter for more information or go to the anonymous 15-minute survey now.

If you would rather complete the survey by post or over the phone (either in English or Welsh), please call Strategic Research and Insight, who are managing the survey on behalf of Public Health Wales, on 0800 255 0165 for free or email to arrange this.

Many thanks for your help. This will allow Public Health Wales to better plan how to improve health and wellbeing in communities across Wales in the future.

Beth wnaethoch chi i helpu eraill yn ystod COVID-19?

Mae'r nifer uchaf erioed ohonom wedi helpu pobl mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru ers dechrau'r pandemig COVID-19.

Hoffai Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a phartneriaid glywed am eich profiad chi o gefnogi eraill yn eich cymuned yn y cyfnod hwn. Beth bynnag rydych chi wedi'i wneud - os ydych chi wedi gwirfoddoli i elusen, cerdded ci eich cymydog neu gynnig clust gyfeillgar i rywun sy'n cysgodi – hoffen nhw glywed amdano.

Gallwch ddarllen y llythyr atodedig i gael mwy o wybodaeth neu fynd i'r arolwg nawr. Mae’r arolwg ond yn cymryd 15 munud ac yn ddienw.

Os byddai'n well gennych gwblhau'r arolwg trwy'r post neu dros y ffôn (naill ai yn Saesneg neu Gymraeg), ffoniwch Strategic Research and Insight, sy'n rheoli'r arolwg ar ran Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, ar rhadffôn 0800 255 0165 neu e-bostiwch  i drefnu hwn.

Diolch yn fawr am eich cymorth. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu  Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i gynllunio sut i wella iechyd a lles mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru yn y dyfodol.

Sarah Hughes