Road works - A550 Penyffordd to Hope

Flintshire County Council has secured Welsh Government grant funding for the implementation of much needed Active and Sustainable travel improvements within the locality of Hope and Penyffordd. The proposals aim to improve the viability of Active and Sustainable travel journeys along the A550 Penyffordd to Hope, whilst also addressing longstanding concerns of safety within the vicinity of Castel Alun High School and Ysgol Estyn Primary School.


Following the undertaking of an on-line public consultation exercise in October of last year, and having considered all feedback received, scheme proposals have now been finalised which consist of the following elements:


·         Implementation of a 2.5m shared use footway / cycleway facility along the length of the A550 from penyffordd roundabout connecting to the existing footway provision at Mountain View housing estate.

·         Implementation of a proposed Toucan crossing on the A550 Wrexham Road which will enable the safe crossing of both pedestrians and cyclists utilising the proposed shared use facility.

·         Implementation of proposed 20mph mandatory speed limits along the frontage of Castle Alun High School on Fagl lane, along the extents of Stryt Isa which serves as an alternative entrance to the school and on the A550 Hawarden Road within the locality Ysgol Estyn.  This speed limit reduction will address the issues of speeding whilst also ensuring the route is brought up the required standard to promote the use of active modes of travel.

·         Provision of ‘Gateway Entry Improvements ‘ on approaches to Castle Alun High School (front and rear entrance) and Fagl Lane, Stryt Isa and Ysgol Estyn Primary School highlighting the reduced 20mph speed limit.

·         Implementation of parking restrictions along Stryt Isa and Fagl Lane to resolve the issue of indiscriminate parking. Locations include the immediate vicinity of Castle Alun High School whilst also addressing illegal parking within nearby Junctions.

Works on the A550 will commence on Monday, 26 September for a period of approximately 12 weeks. Traffic management will be in operation throughout this period and access for the traveling public, local businesses and residents will be maintained at all times.


Flintshire County Council would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued cooperation and support during the period of forthcoming works which will enable the delivery of much needed improvements benefiting the local community.


Sarah Hughes