Summer Playscheme

Flintshire Summer Playscheme 2024

Where Fun and Friendship Flourish!


Importance of Play


Play is crucial for children's development. It allows them to explore their creativity, develop their imagination, and connect with their peers. During school holidays, maintaining these connections is essential for their emotional and social well-being. Play helps children:


·         Build friendships and develop social skills

·         Enhance cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills

·         Stay active and healthy

·         Experience joy and relaxation


Connecting with Friends


Our playscheme provides a safe and exciting environment for children to meet new friends and strengthen existing friendships. Through group activities, games, and collaborative projects, children learn teamwork, communication, and empathy.


Join Us This Summer!


Flintshire Summer Playscheme offers a variety of activities designed to cater to different interests and age groups. From arts and crafts to sports and adventure games, there's something for everyone!


Register Your Child Today!


Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity for your child to enjoy a fun-filled summer while making new friends and developing essential life skills.


Click Here to Register Your Child!


For more information, visit our website or contact us at –


Create memories. Build friendships. Embrace fun. Join Flintshire Summer Playscheme 2024!


Sarah Hughes