Summer Playscheme 2021

The Community Council as in previous years are contributing towards funding for the Summer Playscheme this year which will be held at The Willows Play Area 2.00pm - 4.00pm from Monday 19th July until Friday, 6th August.

All sessions are free of charge for children aged 5 to 12 years delivered by the Flintshire Play Development Team

All Covid 19 controls will be in place on site, including gel stations on arrival.

Pre-registration (Online) will be essential for all site locations.

There will be a maximum permitted of 30 children per session (TBC).

Full information and parent/carer consent forms will also be available via the Flintshire County Council website. The Flintshire Buddy scheme as in previous years will be an integral part of this provision providing 1- 1 support for children with disabilities.

For more information and to register please click this link: Summer Playscheme 2021

Sarah Hughes