Support for Businesses in Wales

Flintshire County Council are supporting Welsh Government’s ‘We’re in your Corner’ campaign to raise awareness of the wide range of support available to businesses in Wales.

 Whether you’re growing, diversifying or simply need a helping hand to get through these trying times, expert advice and financial support is available from Welsh Government to help you get your business to where it needs to be.

 Support is available to help businesses….

 Recruit staff and train them in the specific skills they need (Apprenticeships, ReAct/ReAct+, Traineeships, GO Wales, Access to Work, Community Employability Programmes and Jobs Growth Wales+)

  • Upskill their existing workforce to support business survival, growth and development (Personal Learning Accounts, Apprenticeships, Wales Union Learning Fund)

  • Support the health and Wellbeing of their workforce (In-Work Support Service, Out of Work Service and Healthy Working Wales)

  • Create a more equal and inclusive workforce through attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining disabled employees (Disabled People’s Employment Champions and online toolkit, Disability Confident and Inclusive Apprenticeships)

Plus, under the Young Person’s Guarantee, the Welsh Government is helping businesses create new opportunities for young people under the age of 25 to join their team through work experience, work placements or employment.

 If you feel your business could benefit from accessing this support, head to Business Wales for more information or call 03000 6 03000 to speak with a Business Wales advisor.

Click here to view the We’re In Your Corner Brochure



Sarah Hughes