Warning - Courier Fraud

Warning – Fake phone calls to residents pretending to be from the Police!

We have been notified by Dyfed Powys Police that criminals pretending to be Police officers are calling residents and trying to carry out what is known as ‘Courier Fraud’… this could be happening in the rest of Wales too.

They phone you to tell you about fraudulent activity on your bank card, but then start asking you for personal information or even your PIN to verify who you are.

They may try to offer you peace of mind by having someone pick up your bank card from you to save you the trouble of having to go to your bank or local police station (Courier).

These callers are criminals who will try gain your trust by making you think they are police officers.

Do not engage in conversation with them.

Do not allow them to arrange collection of bank cards.

Put the phone down.

Block the number they called from.

Tell your friends and neighbours about this scam

Report it to your local police force by contacting them via their online webpage or 101

Sarah Hughes