DRAFT Minutes from the Hope Community Council Meeting

For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information.  These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2024

Present: Councillors Mrs T Bowgett (Chair), Mrs C Cunnah, Mrs L Davies,
Mrs M Williams, Mr B Hughes, Mr M Taylor, Mrs J Arnold, Mr A Parsonage,
Mr N Jones, Mrs C Sheibani, Mrs E Oldham, Mrs J Tilston, Mr J Mead and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

51.   Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

52.   Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest received.

53.   Chairman’s Announcements

The Chair reported the council purchased a wreath in honour of D-Day 80 which will be taken and laid at the British Normandy Memorial by Ms Mavis Williams of Flintshire Memorials.  The Groundsman will also be raising the D-Day 80 flag at the Cenotaph at 9.00am Thursday 6th June, which will remain for one week.

54.   Minutes of Council

RESOLVED: the Minutes of the AGM and Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 1st May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

55.   Minutes of Committees

RESOLVED: the minutes of the following standing committees be approved and adopted and confirmed as a correct record. 

i.      Planning and Highways – 1st May 2024

ii.    Leisure and Environment – 1st May 2024

iii.  Finance – 1st May 2024

56.   To Review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 320 – response received from Cty Cllr G Healey.

Min 24 - Helen Jones, FCC Older People's Strategy Co-ordinator expressed thanks to the council for agreeing to take on the Whats On Guide. 

Cty Cllr D & G Healey have agreed to assist with the delivery together with their HeartBeat Newsletter.  They do 2-3 Newsletters generally January and May with a possible one around October. They stated that it has become more demanding to distribute and they are looking for volunteers to cover some of the areas.

RESOLVED: Cllrs Sheibani and Bevan will assist Cty Cllrs D & G Healey with the delivery.

57.   To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

There were no questions received.

58.   To receive the County Councillor Report from Cllrs David and Gladys Healey

Cty Cllrs David and Gladys Healey provided a report which included information on:

River Pollution - Unfortunately the responses from NRW and Ofwat have not been helpful as far as the issue of sewage pollution of the River Alyn is concerned. In the long term Welsh Government has plans to establish an Environmental Governing Body.

20mph issue - feedback on the issue of 20mph, numerous emails received from residents supporting the retention of the 20mph speed limit on all of the roads within our area. One email stating that every road should be changed back to 30mph and one other which stated that 20mph should only apply by schools. Several complaints regarding the lack of enforcement and inadequate signage.

Potholes - potholes across Hope, Caergwrle and Abermorddu were submitted to Streetscene, four times. Most of these potholes have been filled but we are still picking up on those which have not been filled.

FCC Funding and Political Uncertainty – we understand that there is a ‘monster budget gap’ this year that can only be filled by a ‘transformation of services.’ We are now faced with a number of new challenges this year and things will be difficult. There is a moratorium on non-essential spending.

HCC Members may be aware that the financial uncertainty has now been compounded by political uncertainty as 5 previously Labour Party members moved across the floor at the last AGM to take up seats with the Opposition. They have formed their own Flintshire People’s Voice Group.

59.   Annual Report

RESOLVED: the 2023/24 Annual Report was received and approved.  This will be published and shared on the council website, facebook and noticeboards.

60.   Street Lighting Insurance Cover

The Clerk reported the quote from Zurich to have 96 street light columns insured would be an additional cost from 1st June of £1,160.79.  Should the council wish to proceed, the council would need to acknowledged and note that this will be overbudget by £1082.

RESOLVED: the council agreed that to remain as is and that the streetlight columns will not be included with the insurance policy.

61.   Flintshire Tourism Feasibility Fund

Cadwyn Clwyd has confirmed that the application has been approved and was uploaded to their ITQ to Sell2Wales.  They have received five tender, which Cadwyn Clwyd and Cllr Bevan will review next week.

Cadwyn Clwyd will administer this project, including all finances.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted and a further update will be provided in July.

62.   Clerks Report

The Clerk circulated the updated Issue Log detailing outstanding issues and details of progress. This report is for information only and should any items require further discussion they will need to be included on a future agenda (if not already on the current agenda).

Cllr Williams reported that she has liaised with Ian Williams, FCC Streetscene regarding dog signage for the Willows.

RESOLVED:  the report was received and noted and will be updated accordingly.

63.   Correspondence

The following correspondence was received and noted:

  • OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training Courses and events

  • FCC – Climate Change Toolkit Workshops

  • OPCC Newsletter #42 – 03.05.2024 and OPCC North Wales Newsletter #43 - 17.05.24

  • OVW - Recruitment And Retention Of Clerks/Responsible Financial Officers

  • OVW - Guidance on Working Digitally

  • Flintshire Sorted summer diversionary activities for young teenagers.  Claire Morter is looking to hold a multi-agency event, supported by NWP on The Willows with a mobile sports stadia.  The event will be an open access from about 1pm – 6pm for young people to attend and take part in engaging activities like football, street golf, rounders, cricket, badminton, crafts and more.  They will also be offering food and refreshment to all the young people who attend.

64.   Future Agenda Items

  • Painting of village planters and village grass cutting.

  • Network Rail regarding the tree work at Caergwrle Train Station, Bridge End.

The meeting of the Council began at 6.30pm and ended at 6.45pm

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2024

Present: Councillors Mrs C Cunnah (Chair of Committee), Mrs T Bowgett, Mrs L Davies,
Mrs M Williams, Mr B Hughes, Mr M Taylor, Mrs J Arnold, Mr A Parsonage,
Mrs C Sheibani, Mrs E Oldham, Mrs J Tilston, Mr J Mead, Mr N Jones and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

65.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

66.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest received.

67.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1st May 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair of the Council in the absence of the Chair of Committee at the April meeting.

68.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

69.   Payments

To authorise accounts for payment up to and including 5th June 2024.

Payable to                                    Details                                         Amount

Poppy Appeal                             Wreath - British Normandy Memorial               £50.00
Microshade Business Consult   Annual IT Services, Emails & DPO Services      £2,055.53
Flintshire County Council         Annual Rent for Queensway Play Area              £59.33
Flintshire County Council         24xstreet light upgrades & commuted sums £51,600.00
Mr J Ferrari                                   Work Boots                                                        £37.99
Staffing Cost                                 May-24                                                             £1,875.90
Mrs S Hughes                               Tesco Mobile - Monthly data package              £10.00
Mrs S Hughes                               Stationery, Postage, Equipment, Travel  etc      £97.92
Mancoed                                       Queensway Play Area Maintenance (2x cuts)  £204.00
Treetops Plant Hire                     Installation of Castle Entrance Board                 £600.00
HSBC                                              Monthly Bank Fee                                                  £5.00

RESOLVED: The above payments be approved.  In accordance with the Financial Regulations, the schedule for payments was signed by the Chair of Finance and/or the Chair of the Council and countersigned by two bank signatories.

The meeting of the Committee began at 6.45pm and ended at 6.50pm

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Planning & Highways Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2024

Present:  Councillors Mrs L Davies (Chair of Committee), Mrs T Bowgett,
Mrs C Cunnah, Mrs M Williams, Mr B Hughes, Mr M Taylor, Mrs J Arnold,
Mr A Parsonage, Mrs C Sheibani, Mrs E Oldham, Mrs J Tilston, Mr J Mead,
Mr N Jones and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

70.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

71.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest received.

72.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1st May 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

73.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 43a – a request was made to Lee Shone and Anthony Stanford 10.05.24 and chased again on 21.05.24 for the speed survey on Fagl Lane.  They have passed this onto Claire Parry of Streetscene.

Min 43b – FCC advised that the jetter wagon attended, there were numerous blocked gullies, also a section of the carrier was blocked.  The location will be monitored during the next heavy down pour.

74.   Planning Applications

i.     The following planning applications received for the Committee to consider.


a)   FUL/000354/24.  New Dormer Bungalow.  Land opposite Bryn Tudor, Huxleys Lane, Hope.  Supported.

b)   FUL/000320/24.  Proposed new dwelling in association with existing site.  Equestrian Training, Maelor Equestrian Centre, Gresford Road, Hope. Supported

c)    FUL/000329/24.  To infill and raise height of roof and chimneys.  Shordley Bank Farm, Shordley Road, Hope. Supported

d)   FUL/000394/24.  New dwelling.  The Boulevard, Hawarden Road, Caergwrle. Supported

ii.     To report on applications received which have been determined by Flintshire County Council.

a)   FUL/000228/24.  Extension to existing dropped kerb access from main road.  Bryn Y Grog, Fagl Lane, Hope.  Approved

75.   Street Lighting Upgrades

FCC provided a refurbishment cost for the 2x cast iron street lighting on Kiln Lane, involving, undercoat, final coat and new LED lamp for two cast iron columns totalling £553.00.

RESOLVED: the quotes and works were approved.

76.   Highway Matters

i)   Cllr Cunnah reported concerns of vehicle(s) parking outside the White Lion on Stryt Isa which is obstructing the junction approaching Hawarden Road.  Whilst there are double yellow lines, it was questioned whether these could be extended?

ii)   As the planning application for Bluebell Fields has been approved (FUL/000769/22), it is understood that there will be £200,000 S106 money allocated to Castell Alun High School.  It was considered that seems grossly unfair as neither of the primary schools are to receive any funding from this development.


i)   FCC will be asked on the legalities of parking at this location and options for extending the double yellow lines.  Details will be reported at the July meeting.

ii)   The council will write to the FCC Planning Officer to request details of the S106 allocation, raise concerns of allocation if all funding is to go to Castell Alun High School and to request consideration be made for some of the educational S106 funding to be shared with the two local primary schools.

The meeting of the Committee began at 6.50pm and ended at 7.05pm


Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Leisure & Environment Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2024

Present:Councillors Mrs M Williams (Chair of Committee), Mrs T Bowgett, Mrs C Cunnah,
Mrs L Davies, Mr B Hughes, Mr M Taylor, Mrs J Arnold, Mr A Parsonage, Mr N Jones,
Mrs C Sheibani, Mrs E Oldham, Mrs J Tilston, Mr J Mead and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

77.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

78.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest received.

79.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1st May 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

80.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 50 – Cllr Parsonage reported that FCS had not yet be in touch regarding the old entrance board.
RESOLVED: the clerk will chase this as they had been asked to contact Cllr Parsonage directly to deliver the old board.

81.   Queensway Play Area Maintenance

Three contractors were contacted regarding quotes for the Maintenance Contract for Queensway Play Area, only two contractors responded.  Quotes were reviewed and considered.

RESOLVED: Man Coed VM Ltd will be appointed as the new Maintenance Contractor for Queensway Play Area with immediate effect.

82.   Children’s Play Areas Match Funding Scheme Improvements to 2024/25.

The correspondence received from Aura regarding applying for the 2024/25 Match Funding considered.

RESOLVED: the council will apply for £10,000 for the 2024/25 Children’s Play Areas Match Funding Scheme Improvements allocated to the Willows play area.

83.   Play Areas

i.      Members reviewed and considered the accessibility information provided by R.Roberts in order to determine what additional equipment is to be installed on The Willows. The council has a budget of £35,000 and with the further commitment £10, 0000 match funding, means if successful there could potentially be a budget of £55,000.

ii.      Cllr Williams met with Richard Roberts to discuss the location of the new benches, although it was agreed at the council meeting for the picnic bench to go outside the fencing, on discussing this with RR and residents at the play area, it was considered that it would be best suited inside the fenced area.

Cllr Bevan commented that the fencing and benches are a welcomed addition to users but highlighted that the bins within the fenced play area have ashtrays and as this area should be smoke free asked whether these could be changed or modified?

iii.      As the council wish for the dog walking field to remain at The Willows, RR has provided a cost of £845 to supply a new easy-gate.  This, together with the installation could be covered by the S106 money.

There were lengthy discussions about the actual dog walking area, location and usage which resulted in a vote being taken.  The vote resulted with the majority in favour.

iv.      Cllr Williams reported that she has been liaising with Ian Williams regarding the appropriate dog signage for the Willows and he will look at the signs and liaise with Enforcement.  With regard to the signage for Queensway play area, this is the responsibility of the community council.

v.      Cllr Williams reported that the grass at the Willows has not been cut for some time and has raised this with Ian Williams who has said that FCC are very behind with cutting.  She proposed that should this work not be done imminently, to ask Man Coed VM Ltd to undertake a one off cut of the fenced play area only, with the permission from FCC.  Cost estimated approx. no more than £200.


i.     The council will request that swings, a slide and zipwire are included within the new equipment, and the remaining equipment to be determined by R.Roberts, Aura.

ii.     The report was received and noted.  FCC will be asked if they are able to change or modify the litter bins within the fenced area to exclude the ashtrays.

iii.     The council supports the purchase and installation of an easy-gate funded from the S106 money to be installed in the dog walking area accessing Sarn Lane pathway.

iv.      Cllr Williams will continue to liaise with IW regarding the signage for the Willows, should they not provide these, the council will look at purchasing and installing No Dogs signage for the new fenced area.

The Groundsman will be asked to measure the appropriate signage for Queensway and the council will purchase and install.

v.       The council approved that should FCC not undertake the grass cutting at the Willows imminently, that on permission from FCC, Man Coed VM Ltd be asked to cut the grass within the fenced play area only, as a one off.

84.   Summer Playscheme – Promotional Banner

FCC has offered the chance for the council to purchase a 6 x 3ft promotional banner at a cost of £40 to advertise the Willows playscheme.  This is a banner that could be reused in the future.

RESOLVED: the promotional banner was approved to be purchased.

85.   Caergwrle Castle

i.     Information and costs for wildlife cameras were considered for installing in the castle grounds.

ii.     Nothing further to report.


i.     The council will initially purchase and install 2x wildlife cameras at the castle.  FCS will be consulted to identify the best locations and the Groundman will be requested to monitor and maintain them.

86.   Caergwrle Cenotaph

i.     Mr Holroyd welcomed the offer to assist with the cenotaph flag poles and will be carrying on a family tradition. He has installed his own union jack and welsh dragon flags until the council purchase and put their own up. The Groundsman has undertaken work in the area involving cleaning, weeding and painting.

ii.     Three local companies were approached for quotes to clean the cenotaph and only two responded.  They both provided quotes for general cleaning of the cenotaph and for refacing of the lettering.  The quotes for the refacing of the lettering are well in excess of the current budget and agreed that this would need to be considered when reviewing the 2025/26 budget.


ii.     The council approved for the cleaning of the cenotaph, however, further information is required on the quotes received and if possible to obtain reviews of any similar works.  This will then be considered again at the July meeting.  It was acknowledged that the cleaning work quotes are over the budget of £2000 and any excess will be moved from the Castle budget.

**7.52pm Cllrs Oldham and Tilston left the meeting

87.   Noticeboards

Members considered and reviewed a number of designs and costs for the replacement noticeboards in Hope and Caergwrle and also considered the location, design and cost for a new noticeboard in Abermorddu in preparation to submit the necessary planning application.

The location for the new board in Abermorddu had previously been identified and agreed on Hawarden Road, near the bus stop.

The new boards will have one side key locked and other side public access.  This will allow the council to have space required for council business, also offering space to the Cty Cllrs, and the other side to be used by the public.

RESOLVED: The boards selected were the Tradition30 – Public Access from The Noticeboard Company.  To allow the header board to be bilingual, enquires will be made to ascertain if the council logo can be enlarged and the writing excluded.

**8.04pm Cllr Jones left the meeting

Before any planning application is submitted for the new board in Abermorddu the council will seek advice from FCC Highways due to the width of the pathway and then consult with the neighbouring property.  Should no issues or concerns be raised, the planning application will be submitted and the council approved the fee to be paid.

88.   Hanging Basket/Planter Competition

RESOLVED:  the competition will be launched as soon as possible with a closing of 21st July. Judging will be undertaken by Cllrs Hughes and Arnold w/c 22nd July 2024.

The meeting of the Committee began at 7.05pm and ended at 8.10pm