Community Chest Grant – Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Community groups urged to apply for funding available to support their work in Flintshire

Community Groups and not-for-profit organisations who run activities, buildings or spaces for the benefit of local people in Flintshire, are invited to apply for a share of the £45,500 funding set aside this year, to support their work.

Community Groups and not-for-profit organisations who run activities, buildings or spaces for the benefit of local people in Flintshire, are invited to apply for a share of the £45,500 funding set aside this year, to support their work.

Flintshire Community Chest grants of up to £1,000 are available to cover up to 75 percent of the costs associated with a new project or initiative, an event, or minor repairs, and of purchasing essential equipment, including supplies needed to operate in a Covid-secure way.

The pot of money is set aside by Flintshire County Council, and the grant scheme is administered by Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC), the organisation that champions voluntary and community action in the county. The size of the funding pot has increased for the 2021-22 financial year, so support is available for community groups and organisations who may wish to help tackle a need that has emerged during the pandemic, or to bring local people back together as Covid restrictions ease, and to help cover the costs of operating in a Covid-secure way.

FLVC’s Funding Outreach Officer Heather Hicks said “There’s great potential for this funding to support more community activity than ever during these difficult times. Please do get in touch of you have an idea for a community event, project or initiative, or if your community group is struggling to fund small improvements to your premises or measures needed to keep your visitors safe. Support in making an application will be offered to those who need it.”

Applicants can find an application form, criteria and guidance under “Current Grants” with the “Sustainable Funding” section of the FLVC website, Alternatively, they can email Heather Hicks at, or call 01352 744004.

Most recently, grants have been awarded to help towards the cost of a sanitising fogger machine, hand sanitiser, sports equipment, building improvements and repairs.

Sarah Hughes