Consultation - Planning Guidance Note ‘Planning for Dark Night Skies’

Dear Sir / Madam

Planning for Dark Night Skies: Supplementary Planning Guidance for lighting in the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty– Draft for Consultation

I am writing to inform you that Denbighshire County Council, Flintshire County Council and Wrexham County Borough Council supported by the AONB Partnership have worked jointly to produce a draft Supplementary Planning Guidance note (SPG) on lighting in the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The AONB is designated as a landscape of national importance and the primary purpose is to conserve and enhance its natural beauty. One of the special qualities of the AONB is its tranquil nature, which includes the opportunity to experience dark night skies. The draft SPG seeks to conserve and enhance this special quality by providing guidance for developers and others on dark sky friendly lighting design. When approved by each of the Local Planning Authorities the SPG will be a material planning consideration in determining planning applications and appeals.

The draft SPG is presented for public consultation commencing on 14 June 2021 and ending on 9 August 2021.

The document can be viewed here Consultation on a draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Note ‘Planning for Dark Night Skies’

The three Local Planning Authorities and the AONB are keen to hear from a wide range of statutory and non-statutory organisations, town and community councils, voluntary groups and the general public as well as local planning consultants and agents.

Comments should be forwarded to Denbighshire County Council who are coordinating the consultation on behalf of the three Local Planning Authorities and the AONB.

Comments should be submitted by 5.00pm on 9 August 2021 using one of the following methods:

  • by e-mail to:

  • via the Denbighshire Consultation Portal, or

  • in writing to Huw Rees, Countryside and Heritage Services Manager, Planning, Public Protection and Countryside Services, PO BOX 62, Ruthin LL15 9AZ

Any queries relating to the draft SPG or the consultation can be directed to the following contacts at each of the Local Planning Authorities:

Denbighshire: or phone: 01824 706916

Flintshire: or phone: 01352 703213

Wrexham: or phone: 01978 298994

AONB Partnership: or phone: 01824 712735

I look forward to receiving your comments on the draft SPG.

Yours sincerely

Huw Rees

Countryside and Heritage Services Manager

Sarah Hughes